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The Carbon layout package helps teams build consistent experiences through spacing and alignment.

If you’re using @carbon/react, you probably don’t need need to install the layout package separately. See our Carbon React guide to start building.

Get started

To install @carbon/layout in your project, you will need to run the following command using npm:

npm install -S @carbon/layout

If you prefer Yarn, use the following command instead:

yarn add @carbon/layout


The @carbon/layout package provides spacing tokens and conversion utilities for the Carbon Design System. You can access these tokens and helpers by writing the following:

@use '@carbon/layout';
.selector {
margin-bottom: layout.$spacing-05;
width: layout.rem(24px);
height: layout.rem(24px);


@function em
@function rem


You can configure parts of the @carbon/layout package that are !default with Sass Modules. For example, you can change the $base-font-size by writing the following:

@use '@carbon/layout' with ($base-font-size: 18px);
